Future village - 2016 anlong - International landscape workshop in China

An invitation by Jianguo Han, landscaper, to 10 architecture, landscape and urbanism school, at ANLONG, in the province of GUIZHOU, China, in July 2016. The subject was to propose an evolution to the landscape of 5 rural villages that are becoming depopulated, in 8 days!
The students had the chance to meet new people, differents cultures, working method and landscapes!
 The participating schools were:
1. ENSAP Lille
2. PRATT University, NY
3. University of Hong Kong
4. ETSAB - Architecture school of Barcelona
5. University of Qinghua
6. University of Huazhong
7. University of Huanan
8. Architecture school of Harbin
9. Architecture research center of China
10. Fine Arts school of Guangzhou

 The students from ENSAP Lille are: Lea BADEL, Clara BOMPART, Louise CHARGE, Julien DESAGRE, Cyril GUIMARD, Alienor LAYET and Maud NUNEZ. With the teacher Amelle VARCIN.

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